
Code, Camera, Action blog - 3

Notes from the cloud by Eric Johnson

iPad Pro-ductivity

It’s really impressive how good the larger iPad Pro is — and how suddenly the machine and its software have improved. At last Apple seems to have gotten serious about building on the strengths of the iPad’s larger screen, and the 12” iPad Pro has become a real productivity machine.1

  1. My point of comparison is an iPad Air and a Mini 2, both of which have no fingerprint reader and seem to lag while launching apps. The 12-inch Pro hardware is faster, the fingerprint reader a huge timesaver. And the machine can now multitask. In fact, I’m writing this while running update scripts for a couple of my servers — something that would have been impossible on my previous iPad Air. 

Ulysses 2.5 - All your texts, now on iPhone

The love of my writing life is Ulysses on the iPad Pro. The app is powerful enough to accommodate everything, with a restrained design that keeps that power from interfering with my thinking.

Drupal Multisite Without Code

Just because you can create customize functionality in your Drupal site, that doesn’t mean you need to. Come see how SGIA.org transformed their web presence by coloring within the lines. Not only did they build three websites on one installation and incorporate commerce functionality, they also created an online experience dedicated to ensuring their audience can find the rich and useful content they offer.